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Animated gif of cartoon character in different positions

M E E T  V A N I L L A C O O L D A N C E

The taboo-breaking toon and global community of over 72,000 - empowering you to live shamelessly.

Together, we're creating a world where insecurities about sex, dating and the human body don't exist because we openly talk about them... with a lot of laughs while doing so.

Image of a cartoon character
Image of King's Day artwork

VCD imaking

Spicup youlife


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M E E T  T H E  F O U N D E R

"I want vanillacooldance to empower women to start conversations in the bedroom, in the boardroom and everywhere in between. I want her to make men curious and start conversations of their own."


Jessica Stahl

Creative Director & Cartoonist

Jessica stahl vanillacooldance pride
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